Discover or rediscover Jesus' inexhaustible mercy.  He is so in love with you!

Today is the great Feast of Divine Mercy!!

The Lord reminds us so PROFOUNDLY that His love for us is deeply personal.

We are also reminded that Jesus longs to be welcomed into every human heart.  He wants us to know Him intimately, and greatly longs for us to love Him completely in return. 

Jesus presents Himself to us in so many ways;  He comes to us during Advent as an unborn Child, and then at Christmas and perhaps at other times during the year as the Infant Jesus.  He also presents Himself to us as the child Jesus, as a youth, during His hidden working years, and during the time of His public ministry.

During Lent He presents Himself to us as the Christ of the Passion, and Crucifixion, and reminds us to meditate on His Passion and on our redemption every single day throughout the year.  At Easter He is our resurrected Lord, and then He comes to us as Jesus of the Divine Mercy!

Sometimes He presents Himself with His most Holy Mother, and sometimes with His Sacred Heart exposed, beckoning us into greater Divine Intimacy.

God is so in love with us.

Get to know Jesus personally and very intimately by meditating on His life and mission at different times in history.

Just how well do you know Him?  Jesus knows you better than you know yourself.

The following audio meditation was created to help guide you right into the welcoming, loving, compassionate, and merciful arms of Jesus Christ.  He inspired it because He wants each one of us to know Him very personally.  It is just over ten minutes long, and hopefully will help you on your journey toward union with God.

Consider kissing Jesus at different times during His life.  Kiss Him as an infant, toddler, child, young man, and/or during His Passion.  Venerate Jesus' Sacred Body in the tomb and Kiss His wounded Hand, or kiss our risen Lord or Jesus of the Divine Mercy.

Did you know that Jesus just loves it when we show Him affection?

Did you know that He hugs and kisses you?

In addition to showing Jesus affection, spend time with Him in conversation (prayer).  In this way, you will grow so much closer to Him.

Jesus always beckons at the doors of our hearts, but He respects our free will and never forces Himself on anyone.  So, be sure to let Him know that He is always welcome! Don't ever be too busy for Jesus, or you will be settling for so little (to your eternal detriment).

How well do you know your Jesus?  Have you ever noticed a pattern in Christ's communication with you?  What does He tell you, and what does He show you.

Consider the following things Jesus communicates  to His beloved:

*Jesus wants us to live sacramental lives and grow in holiness.  Accept His magnificent offer of salvation and sanctification, and work hard every day at growing in sanctity.  Grow in holiness, and grow closer to Jesus!

* Jesus encourages us to submit our wills to God’s will in imitation of Christ and Blessed Mother.  Promise to love and honor Him all the days of your life, in good times and in bad, and renew this promise at least once a day.

* "I thirst" (John 19:28).  Jesus longs for each one of us to not only accept His love and mercy, He also longs for us to love Him in return. We are reminded of this in a powerful way today, on the great Feast of Divine Mercy.  Jesus does not want us just know who He is;  He wants us to know Him very intimately. Do you hear Him calling your name?  How well do you know your loyal Savior.

* Jesus instructs us to love one another, and also asks that we pray each day for every single soul throughout all time.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass followed by Eucharistic Adoration, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, and Benediction celebrated at Ss. Cyril and Methodius Slovak Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A.  

 Jesus does not limit His love by communicating only with certain people.  Jesus communicates to every soul but never wants to communicate only to you.  He wants to communicate with you.

Get to know Jesus so much more intimately: discover or rediscover the POWER of Holy Hour!

Time spent conversing with heaven is time spent very, very well.

Discover or rediscover the Sacraments of Divine Intimacy, including the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Blessed Sacrament.

Make sacramental confessions regularly and assist at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as often as you are able to.  Consider assisting at Holy Mass every single day if you can. You will find yourself very quickly falling in love with the Love of your eternal life.  That is, if you haven't already.

There is so much of God's love to discover or rediscover!  Don't ever settle for just a little of His love, accept all He offers you, love Him in return with your whole heart, and be sure to share His love with everyone you can.

And don't ever just be Catholic.  Be PROFOUNDLY Catholic!  God is so in love with you!!

One final and very sound piece of advice from Saint John Bosco:   "Trust all things to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, and to Mary, Help of Christians, and you will see what miracles are."
