"Enjoy yourself as much as you like – if only you keep from sin." ~ Saint John Bosco


"He who does not acquire the love of God 

will scarcely persevere in the grace of God, 

for it is very difficult to renounce sin 

merely through fear of chastisement." ~ St.

"Where sin was hatched, let tears now wash the nest." ~ St. Robert Southwell

"The person who has surrendered himself entirely to sin indulges with enjoyment and pleasure in unnatural and shameful passions - licentiousness, unchastity, greed, hatred, guile and other forms of vice - as though they were natural.

He left us an unfathomable catalog of Catholic teaching just before I AM re-introduced His Work of Reparation to the Holy Face of Jesus here in Detroit, for the sake of the whole world in our time. Imaginer! "Never run from the Cross. Never." ~ Servant of God, Father John A. Hardon, S.J.

Christ's Catholic Church was born on the Cross

and it was while crucified on the Cross for our Redemption

that Jesus gave His Immaculate Mother to us

to be our Mother 

and the Mother of His Catholic Church.

And there was an epic dream overnight as Phase II gets going from here in Traditional Catholic Detroit. Guess what it all has in common with the church hosting the tiny Eucharistic Adoration Chapel here in Catholic Detroit where I AM sent His student teacher to converse with Perfection in the presence of Christ's Real Presence in the Blessed Sacrament. Just guess! Think in triplicate. What Divine wonders.

Thank You for coming.

Traditional Catholic Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A. militant, suffering, and triumphant - from within - for the sake of the whole world in our time. O HOLY NIGHT; IMAGINER! "By My Holy Face you will work wonders, appease the anger of God, and draw down mercy on sinners." ~ Jesus to Sr. Mary of St. Peter +


Once again, behind the glass.

And He shall reign forever and ever.

A very beautiful Christmas and also Lenten meditation for every soul, any time of the year.

What wonders. "By My Holy Face you will work wonders, appease the anger of God, and draw down mercy on sinners." ~ Jesus to Sr. Mary of St.

Christmas is coming. "By My Holy Face you will work wonders, appease the anger of God, and draw down mercy on sinners." ~ Jesus to Sr. Mary of St.