"God is at Work in You!" was initially created on Blogger in 2009. The more than 4000 blog posts published since then on Blogger will remain where they are.

New Traditional Catholic multi-media material including audio, videos, images, and blog posts will be placed as I AM wills on JKP's official website, "The Work of Reparation to the Holy Face of Jesus," whose paid server/host at this time is not censoring the truth. Blog posts will be uploaded there exclusively from now on after a new and uncensored page for them is created.

Beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful! So grateful. +


click here.

Images from the livestream

at The Sacred Heart Church,

Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest,

in Limerick, Ireland.

Thanks be to God.

This courageous, truth-telling human life and right-to-good health advocate was recently found dead by her young son following multiple threatening home invasions, by those in love with money which is the root of all evil, warning her what was coming if she dared do the right thing and properly inform people. 


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This courageous, truth-telling human life and right-to-good health advocate was recently found dead by her young son following multiple threatening home invasions, by those in love with money which is the root of all evil, warning her what was coming if she dared do the right thing and properly inform people.

What we should be saying during every celebration of the Traditional Tridentine Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! So grateful. +

The Traditional Tridentine Holy Sacrifice of the Mass celebrated in Latin,

and each person's Royal Wedding to Christ the Divine Bridegroom of every soul,

on the Second Sunday of Advent, December 6, 2020

at The Sacred Heart Church,

Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest,

in Limerick, Ireland.


What a wonder that was from Traditional Catholic Detroit, for the sake of the whole world in our time. Guess what is served there, and then guess what the two tablecloths on every table represent. Then guess what I AM's Work of Reparation to the Holy Face of Jesus in Modern Times has to do with it all, including you.

What a wonder that was on December 3rd, 2020 while trying to rest an injured finger and while waiting for I AM to provide inspiration for the Advent outfitting of the Devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus inside a small domestic Traditional Catholic chapel in suburban Detroit. +

“Have a great love for Jesus in His Divine Sacrament of Love; that is the Divine Oasis of the desert. It is the heavenly manna of the traveler. It is the Holy Ark.

Almost all the material from 2012 - 2019 can be found in the blog postings or were included in I AM's correspondences to the Slovak pastor of His choosing, who said to stop writing him perhaps knowing that telling the truth and accomplishing Almighty God's will in Modern Times, in imitation of and in union with Christ on Mount Calvary and inside of God's own House, would get him thrown out of the country and it did.