For every soul. What wonders!

Pictured below:

the video files for The Tridentine Documentary's Part 1

(from the script's Chapters 2 - 10).

Pictured below:

The beginning of the video version of

The Tridentine Documentary, Part 2,

with Chapter 11, "Sacrificial Obedience,"

subtitled "The Wedding Stamp."

Joseph Karl Publishing

The Work of Reparation to the Holy Face of Jesus

Traditional Catholic Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A.

Hoping to release the first part of the Tridentine documentary's Part 2, Chapter 11 called "Sacrificial Obedience," by tonight for every soul.

Heading back to work at the clinic tomorrow following a wondrous 10 day break; taking an educated guess that Part 2 will be finished by 2/2.

A documentary / love story for every soul. What wonders!


The Traditional Tridentine Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Celebrated in Latin

(The Documentary - Part One of Two) 


Amazed none of the tech here exploded.

Joseph Karl Publishing

The Work of Reparation to the Holy Face of Jesus

Traditional Catholic Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A.

"This is Catholic Courage: The Traditional Tridentine Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Celebrated in Latin, Part I" will be released today. What wonders! It is about one hour and forty minutes and provides an extraordinary, extraordinarily beautiful, deeply personal, most valuable, and everlasting pilgrimage into the greatest love story of all time, for every soul. 

The file for Part One is massive,

and is taking a while to render at Joseph Karl Publishing.

From the Tridentine documentary, for every soul. The documentary's Part One will be released next. The entire documentary will be presented after all 18 of the video chapters have been released individually. The script has 19 chapters and other bonus material in it.

What wonders. 

The Tridentine documentary's Part One

will be released for every soul after

"Sacrificial Gentleness" is finished.

Joseph Karl Publishing

The Work of Reparation to the Holy Face of Jesus

Traditional Catholic Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A.

Since the Tridentine documentary might end up about three hours long, it will be released by Joseph Karl Publishing in two parts, for every soul. Part I is coming soon, after Chapter 10, "Sacrificial Gentleness," is finished and released.

From the Tridentine documentary, for every soul. Half the documentary will be released after Chapter 10, "Sacrificial Gentleness," is completed. The entire documentary will be presented after all 18 of the video chapters have been released individually. The script has 19 chapters and other bonus material in it.

The Tridentine documentary's Chapter 9, "Sacrificial Humility," is finished and currently rendering at Joseph Karl Publishing, for every soul. It will be released tonight, on YouTube, and then Chapter 10, "Sacrificial Gentleness" will be completed and released.

After that, half of the Tridentine documentary will be presented for every soul. What wonders!

Joseph Karl Publishing

The Work of Reparation to the Holy Face of Jesus

Traditional Catholic Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A.

THIS IS CATHOLIC COURAGE: The Tridentine documentary's finished chapters (7 of 18 videos to date) have been uploaded onto JKP's Documentaries Page, which contains a fishing boatload full of multimedia material for every soul. 

Joseph Karl Publishing's Documentaries Page

The eleven remaining video chapters are in various states of production and will continue to be released one at a time, as they are completed.