The plan for the rest of this Friday after Thanksgiving is to write and release - for every soul - two of the most recent chapters belonging to the Tridentine documentary's script, "Sacrificial Contrition" and "Heaven's Currency," and to final edit and release "Traditio", "God's Prodigal Sons and Daughters", "Reverentia", "Sacrificial Unity", "Orare", and "The Wedding Stamp". Would love to create and release the video for "The Wedding Bread" (from Chapter 8, Sacrificial Prayer) by the end of the weekend. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! So grateful. + Show us Your will, O Lord! 

There are just a few chapters remaining to be revealed from On High for the Tridentine documentary's script, and perhaps a few of them have already been written.

With the company and help of Saint Philip Neri. What wonders! + "To pray well requires the whole man." ~ Saint Philip Neri


Joseph Karl PublishingThe Work of Reparation to the Holy Face of Jesus

Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A.

For every soul. "Persons who live in the world should persevere in coming to church to hear sermons, and remember to read spiritual books, especially the Lives of the Saints." ~ Saint Philip Neri

With the assistance of St. Philip Neri.

What wonders!

Joseph Karl PublishingThe Work of Reparation to the Holy Face of Jesus

Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A.

The phenomenal and insightful endodontist commented yesterday mid-morning that she knew how much pain her emergency patient was in - on the day before Thanksgiving - based upon the amount of gratitude displayed for the excellent care received as needed. There is so much to be thankful for; wishing everyone a very blessed, peaceful, joyful, God-centered, and most-of-all grateful to God Thanksgiving Day, one that becomes every day of the year - come what may.

It's trouble also caused a second systemic infection. That's the second tooth in two years to need two root canals. The Tridentine documentary script's Chapter 14, called "Sacrificial Reparation," arrived by no coincidence on this severely penitential day before Thanksgiving, after having made it to church by the grace of God this morning, brutally hurting yet again but happy. Apostolic mission.

What Bridegroom has a stamp created, and used, for His wedding to every soul? This spectacular lesson will hopefully be posted by tomorrow night and it is from the Tridentine documentary script's Chapter 11, called "Sacrificial Obedience," which came during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass this morning at St. Joseph's. What wonders! 

Joseph Karl PublishingThe Work of Reparation to the Holy Face of Jesus

Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A.

From the Tridentine documentary's Chapter 8, called "Sacrificial Prayer," for every soul. What wonders!

Note: Please keep in mind when reading this post that it is being edited with time constraints in mind, and that it is part of the script for the Tridentine documentary that will celebrate the greatest love story ever told.

The plan is to also post five other chapters this Sunday afternoon/evening that are currently in rough draft form.

They are the remaining five chapters of the first ten left to be completed from their current rough draft status - first as blog posts and then as the Tridentine documentary script's chapters. What wonders! 

Joseph Karl Publishing

The Work of Reparation to the Holy Face of Jesus

Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A.

From the Tridentine documentary's Chapter 9, "Sacrificial Humility." What wonders!


"Following Christ's example, a Christian must seek only the glory of God. He must desire no other glory save that of being a child of God, a brother of Jesus Christ, and a member of His Mystical Body - a singular glory, indeed!" ~ Father Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen, O.C.D., "Divine Intimacy," p.

After a soak in some hot water and the slight rearranging of the furniture, it is time to start moving on the first nine chapters of the documentary's script, for every soul. Hoping four more chapters arrive during the coming Thanksgiving 2024 holiday week. What wonders!

Going to have to take a good look, but guessing that five of the nine first chapters are still in rough draft form and need to be final edited before being posted.