God Is So Good
The plan for the rest of this Friday after Thanksgiving is to write and release - for every soul - two of the most recent chapters belonging to the Tridentine documentary's script, "Sacrificial Contrition" and "Heaven's Currency," and to final edit and release "Traditio", "God's Prodigal Sons and Daughters", "Reverentia", "Sacrificial Unity", "Orare", and "The Wedding Stamp". Would love to create and release the video for "The Wedding Bread" (from Chapter 8, Sacrificial Prayer) by the end of the weekend. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! So grateful. + Show us Your will, O Lord!
There are just a few chapters remaining to be revealed from On High for the Tridentine documentary's script, and perhaps a few of them have already been written.
There are just a few chapters remaining to be revealed from On High for the Tridentine documentary's script, and perhaps a few of them have already been written.