sure why the video quality of individual images is so unclear during
Part 2 of the Tridentine Documentary, even after increasing the video
quality on YouTube. Hoping a re-rendering of Part 2 will fix this; if it
does, Part 2 and the documentary in full will be re-rendered and
re-released and that will take several days to accomplish. If not they will remain as-is, for every soul.
Re-rendering the Tridentine Documentary's Part 2 this weekend while carefully considering executive producing a Part 3.
An outline of two-thirds of a Part 3 for the Tridentine Documentary, expected to also be an hour and a half long, already exists.
Also hoping to create a new series of wedding theology images for every soul.
The Divine Bridegroom gets what the Divine Bridegroom wants.
He'll see, and then so will we.
What wonders!