What wonders!

So the new vehicle's battery completely discharged last Friday while at work.

For the second time at the clinic within about a month it would not start, and just like the last time it was Friday and you were  tired and hungry.

What wonders! “Devotion to St. Joseph is one of the choicest graces that God can give to a soul, for it is tantamount to revealing the entire treasury of our Lord’s graces. When God wishes to raise a soul to greater heights, he unites it to St.

It was a tough, tough morning of blistering spiritual combat after having been suddenly blindsided by it shortly after arriving at work following the magnificent offering of the Traditional Tridentine Holy Sacrifice of the Mass celebrated in Latin at Saint Joseph's on Day 4 of the 2025 Nine Day Nove

The parts required for successful repairs could take another two weeks to acquire, if they can be acquired at all.

His Feast Day is on March 19th. What wonders! Please join us.

So grateful. Sweet little frog, so many people missed you so much.

“To petition Our Blessed Lady in our most urgent need, repeat, after the fashion of the Rosary, 'Virgin Mary, Mother of God, pray to Jesus for me.'” ~ Saint Philip Neri 


You suddenly found yourself in the dream overnight before a jewelry counter

The internal components will be preserved, cleaned, and the hard drive capacity expanded, then placed inside a new exterior. What wonders!

So relieved the computer with all of its software and programs that are all paid for can be saved.

Preparing to executive produce the Tridentine Documentary's Parts 3 and 4, two documentaries-in-one, and to deliver the entire script containing all 36 sacrificially loving chapters to Saint Joseph on his Feast Day in one year, on March 19, 2026, two years after the entire project for every soul was

It looks like the Tridentine Documentary's Parts 3 and 4 will follow a trajectory similar to the first 2, one year later, and that Part 3 will be released for Christmas 2025 and Part 4 for Candlemas 2026.

What wonders.

An image from years and years ago, 

prior to the release of "Meditating on Christ's Passion."


A lot has happened since March 2024; a lot has happened already this year, and already March 2025 appears on the horizon.

For every soul. Of course there could also be a Part 4.

The Tridentine documentary is to have a Part 3 that is expected to be an hour and a half long like Part 1 and Part 2. No release date is known yet.

Premieres on Friday, 2/14/25 @ 8:00 a.m..What wonders!



Joseph Karl PublishingDetroit, Michigan, United States of America

On the Feast of Saint Valentine.

Not sure why the video quality of individual images is so unclear during Part 2 of the Tridentine Documentary, even after increasing the video quality on YouTube.

Joseph Karl Publishing's newest documentary - a love story for every soul.

This is Catholic Courage: an inside look at the Tridentine Documentary's Part 1 and Part 2, for every soul. What wonders!


The Tridentine Documentary's Part 2

premiers on YouTube today @ 7 a.m.

"Sacrificial Unitive Love" is next, just prior to the release of the Tridentine Documentary's Part 2 on Candlemas 2025, for every soul.

The premier is set for 2/2, on Candlemas 2025, for every soul.

The decision was made at Joseph Karl Publishing to render the Tridentine documentary's Part 2 without its 19th Chapter but not release it, and have it just in case the main operating computer with all the files on it breaks in half which is imminent.

The Tridentine documentary's second half is nearing completion at Joseph Karl Publishing for every soul.

Coming soon: The Tridentine Documentary's Part 2, followed by the video version of Chapter 19 of 19, called "Sacrificial Cooperation" and subtitled "Love Everlasting," for every soul. What wonders!



Joseph Karl Publishing,for every soul.

I promised Alyssa and Ryan that their wedding pictures are next, and that will be followed by the editing of the Tridentine documentary's script prior to its being presented on Joseph Karl Publishing's website as a Word document for every soul.

"His!" will be included in the Tridentine documentary for every soul and released on its own this weekend, prior to the release of the documentary's Part 2, the release of the documentary in its entirety (Parts 1 and 2 combined if possible), and then the release of the video version of Chapter 19, c

What wonders. A first outline draft has been accomplished and once a final draft is completed, it will be recorded and added to the music and images that await it.

The profoundly beautiful conclusion for the Tridentine documentary came today in church at St. Joseph's, during the 7:15 a.m. Traditional Holy Sacrifice of the Mass celebrated in Latin.

The Tridentine documentary currently in production will conclude with beautiful Christmas images from St.

Biggest batch ever. He is such a kind and loving gentleman King, our Jesus. Hoping this two-week-long illness hanging on for dear life hates extraordinarily good fresh soup topped with grated raw milk parme cheese.

Recovering from something very unfriendly. 

The heavenly contributors like Saint Philip Neri began gathering when this unnatural thing hit more than two weeks ago; they are here to wrap up the documentary and to celebrate the sharing of that incredible wonder. 

Happy, but hurting.

The final chapter of the Tridentine documentary is the task at hand between now and 2/2, for every soul.

Chapter 1, from the Tridentine documentary's Part 2 currently in production at Joseph Karl Publishing for every soul. Expected to be 2 hours long, Part 2 will be released by 2/2.

From the Tridentine documentary's Part 2, the completion of "Sacrificial Sacrament" leaves just one more chapter to write, record, and produce and then the entire documentary (Parts 1 and 2) will be finished. Part 2 will be released by 2/2.
