Catholicism, BORING? Only to those who don't know the Faith, or don't see through their spiritual vision. YET.
Walk the Way of the Cross with Jesus as you enter the church.
Pray, and sing, during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass along with your favorite Saints!
Be there on Calvary during the consecration, as the lance pierces Jesus' Sacred Heart and the Blood and Water mystically splatter the congregation with the power of redemption.
Present yourself to God at the communion rail, covered with His sacrificial love, and offer yourself to Jesus at the same moment He offers Himself to you!
After receiving the Eucharist and returning to the pew, kiss the Child Jesus while thanking Him, as His Sacred Body reposes on your tongue.
Thank God for remaining with us through the Sacred Priesthood of Jesus Christ as you bow respectfully to the priest(s) when they process out during the final hymn. Be sure to pray for priests!
During a Holy Hour, pray at the foot of the Cross. See yourself among the crowd at the moment of humanity's redemption, your place determined by where you sit in church during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Tell our Savior, "Jesus, do you see me? I am here with You, because I love You."
Pray the Rosary along with everyone who has ever prayed it throughout all time...
If Catholicism isn't ABSOLUTELY ROCKING your UNIVERSE, then you DON'T KNOW Catholicism!
Catholicism: Where the Child Jesus visits you during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and lovingly touches your face as He looks into your eyes and says with immeasurable love (without speaking a word), "I am going to grow up and die on a Cross for you, because I love you that much."
From the revelations of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich: "Several times during the scourging, I saw what seemed to be mourning Angels appear around Jesus, and constantly through the piercing hail of ignominious pain, I heard Him offer Himself to God for man..."
"Most loving and merciful Jesus, I now offer myself to God for YOU..."