Friday, October 12, 2012

"Lord, I See You No Longer With the Eyes of the Flesh" ~ St. John of the Cross

Oh, the unfathomable WONDERS taking place all throughout the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, every single time it is offered, that are hidden to our mortal eyes! 

The next time you participate in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, be aware that there are round containers filled with swords positioned in a row right in front of the altar that are not visible to our mortal senses.

When you are on your knees receiving the Precious Body and Blood of your Savior while adoring Him during Holy Communion, choose a sword and bring it back to the pew with you.  This sword helps you fight the spiritual battles when you return to the world.

The biggest ones are only selected by those with the most zeal and the most courage.

Which one will you choose?