Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Suggestions for Making Your Confessions More Powerful, Intimate, and Meaningful

Even more of what you need to know to be able to fight the battles against our adversary AND WIN.

If your confessions are not absolutely ROCKING THE GATES OF HELL, then you need to know more about how to make powerful confessions! 

Since the Sacrament of Reconciliation is such an incredibly powerful weapon against the forces of darkness, Part III of this series of posts on spiritual warfare focuses on what you can do to make your confessions more intimate, meaningful, and POWERFUL.    

Some background information:

And now, Part III:

The following information is not intended to explain everything you need to know in order to make a valid confession, nor does it include the criteria for making a thorough examination of conscience. Instead, it is meant to encourage you to go to confession regularly, and to help you make your confessions genuine, powerful, meaningful, and intimate.  This will lead you to closer union with God, and His grace will give you the ability to fight our adversary AND WIN.    

Don’t be intimidated by the many suggestions; they are merely suggestions. Start simple. Perhaps you will prefer to keep your confessions simple. Together with the Lord, make your confessions  deeply personal, purposeful, meaningful, joyful, beautiful, and just right for you.

A brief mention of what NOT to do:  Don’t make your confession an exercise in self-loathing;  always maintain your great dignity.  Remember, Confession is the Sacrament of Christ’s Mercy.  God loves you! He knows you better than you know yourself, and He is very willing to help you gain insight into your faults, and will help you overcome them.  So rely on Him, and trust Him!

While confessing, you may find yourself experiencing various emotions; you may feel very challenged, moved, sorrowful, and/or joyful. That’s normal, understandable, and even admirable. Don’t ever let your emotions keep you from going to confession. Also, don’t go on and on and on.  Be mindful that others may be waiting, so keep your examination of conscience to a reasonable length.  

Now, on to some suggestions to provide structure, organization, and meaning to your confessions, thereby making them more profitable for your spiritual advancement, and to obtain powerful graces you need to fight temptation AND WIN.     

First are some suggestion on how to begin, followed by some examples of how and what to confess, some essentials, and thoughts on how to conclude.  Remember, you are speaking to your Creator, so you want to approach Him reverently and make your confession an expression of your love for one another. At the end, some other helpful information is presented to help you recognize the devil's attempts to get you to not go to Confession.   

"He [the confessor] knows how much greater than your sins is the Mercy of God, this Mercy which grants you pardon through his ministry. He applies to you the infinite merits of the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ with which he can wash away all stains from your soul." 

 ~ Saint John Bosco  

You may find yourself loving the Sacrament of Confession so much more as your appreciation for this astonishing Sacrament increases along with your tremendous spiritual progress.  Consider the examinations of consciences you make as your love letters, perhaps written out in advance following prayer to the Holy Spirit for enlightenment.  

The key to making confessions that ABSOLUTELY ROCK the gates of hell is to pray beforehand to the Holy Spirit for guidance and enlightenment.  Keep a small notebook handy, because His revelations can come anywhere, at any time.  Keep a running list of your faults as they become evident, and use your list to write out your examination of conscience. Soon, you will get very, very good at identifying your faults, and your soul will benefit so much more from the Sacrament of Reconciliation. 


Begin your confession with “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.  My last confession was (time) ago.”

Address the Lord

Next, address the One to whom you are confessing. Remember, you are talking directly to God and are asking to be reconciled with Him. Resist the temptation to vindicate yourself, or to condemn anyone else. God knows that you have a fallen human nature, and gave us this sacrament where we obtain pardon for having offended Him. You are there to apologize and to ask for the grace to overcome your weaknesses.  God knows what they are, and He longs to be reconciled with you and to forgive you.  Focus your confession on Him, and your relationship with Him.

Here are some suggestions for what to say to begin:

“Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end!”

“My Almighty Triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit…”

“My Dearly Beloved King…”

“My Lord and Almighty Father, most loving Sacred Heart of my sweet and gentle Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, source of all wisdom, ruler of all, model of peace and joy of every soul…”

“My Almighty God,  most loving Father, compassionate Jesus, and Holy Spirit, my Guide…”

“My Lord and Almighty Father, most loving Sacred Heart of Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, my God, ruler of all, model of peace and joy of every soul…”

“My Kind, Loving, and Generous God…”

Statement of Intent and Gratitude

“I am here today in obedience to Your will, because I love You.”  
“My patient and merciful Father, I have come to love and honor You, to thank you for loving me, to beg Your forgiveness for my many faults and sins, to ask You to be my constant guide,  and to lead me on this new offensive against the forces of evil”.  

“My sweet Lord and my God, I am here because I love you in return and am here to do Your will, and to seek your mercy and pardon.”

“You have said, “Ask and you shall receive;  seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you,” behold me prostrate at Thy feet.  Animated with a lively faith and confidence in these promises dictated by Your Sacred Heart and pronounced by Your adorable lips, I come to ask for Your forgiveness and pardon for every sin I have ever committed against Your love and goodness over the course of my entire life.”

“I am so happy to be here, so grateful for this precious opportunity to reconcile my poor self with You, to thank You for everything, to apologize for my sins, and to ask for pardon for myself, and for all my brothers and sisters in need of Your saving grace.”

“You never fail to respond to the soul that asks to be enlightened by Your Divine Majesty, and I thank You for showing me how much work remains to be done in my soul.   Thank You for Your persistence in working with me, for without You, I am nothing.” 

“I have come today to confess my sins, beg your pardon, and ask for your grace to do better, to know and love you more, to become your servant, surrender to your most perfect will, and to be a cheerful and generous giver.” 

“I thank you for creating me, for every moment of my life, for all you have generously given me,  for every person you have set in my path, and for loving, guiding, consoling, refining, and forgiving me.”  

 Ask for God’s Mercy and Grace on Behalf of Others

“I am here to also plead for my brothers and sisters in need of your mercy, healing, and forgiveness 

“Pour forth your grace upon...”

“Please convert…” 

“Please strengthen the faithful who dedicate their lives to Your service, and encourage them with abundant graces.”

“Cast upon us all a look of pity, and may Your compassionate Heart find in our miseries and weaknesses a pressing motive for granting these petitions.  May every human heart honor and love You as we should.”

Confession of sins

“I apologize for my stubborn nature, my lack of charity, for the unkind things that I have said, for the many times I have been impatient, mean, bitter, angry, uncharitable, oblivious to the needs of my neighbor, self-absorbed, prideful, egotistical, self-indulgent, imprudent, judgmental, unmerciful, vengeful, slow to forgive, spiteful...”

“The worst of my faults are sure indications of my lack of self mastery, and I ask you to please help me to be more prudent when I speak, more tolerant when I think, more moderate in my emotions…”  

“Your Mouth, which speaks words that are so kind, loving and merciful, the same beautiful mouth that received so many vicious blows to satisfy Divine Justice for the many sins I have committed through my speech, bleeds still for the sins I continue to commit through my choice of words. May Your mouth, torn open and bleeding because of me, be a constant reminder to imitate You in all that I say.” 

“My lack of self mastery makes me vulnerable to the attacks from the devil.  Please continue helping me, most patient and persistent Lord, so that with Your grace, I may grow in self-mastery and always choose behavior that is most pleasing to you and accomplishes Your most perfect will.”  

“Please forgive me for the times that I set a bad example for others (including…), and/or has led others to sin in any way.” 

“I apologize for my selfish and self-serving nature, for the times I have been impatient, prideful, arrogant, stubborn, so uncharitable, for seeking comfort in (name), for the times that I have not reverenced You as I should have, for the time I spoke cavalierly with someone about You, for the many unkind things I have said, for the times that I have been judgmental, unforgiving, and resentful...”

“I am sorry for being self centered, and for my pride, worldliness, vanity, self indulgent and pleasure seeking nature, for the times that I have focused on my own suffering and ignored the suffering of my neighbor, for the unkind things I have said about others, for the many times I have not suffered patiently, for my great impatience, the many times I have become angry or impatient with others while suffering, for not honoring and loving You as I should, the times I have set a bad example for my children, family, friends, colleagues, or others, for every time that I did not treat others kindly but instead was harsh, for the times I have insisted on doing my own will and resisted Yours, for not trusting enough in your mercy, for the times I have expected more from others than I expect from myself, and for the times I have been judgmental and hardhearted...”  

“My greatest weaknesses and obstacles to doing your will are my pride, love of self, self indulgent nature, vanity, and selfishness, which lead me at times to be impatient, and lead to so many other crimes against love…”

“I am sorry my Lord and Ruler of my life for the time I swore the other day in reference to a difficult, hateful person in front of my children and set a very bad example, and offended You with that language and lack of respect for her great dignity as Your daughter.  I apologize for speaking the other day in a way to someone who is very mean in front of my children that was ironic but also at least a little spiteful while I enjoyed the moment.  Please give me the grace to never lower myself in response to other's bad behavior, and to never be the reason for anyone else's sin.  I understand You are allowing me many opportunities to practice self mastery because I still have such a long way to go to acquire it;  please keep working with me and together, let’s get there...”  

“Please forgive me for my pleasure seeking nature, love of comfort, worldliness, pride, for the times I have overlooked the needs and suffering of others when you wanted them experience Your compassion through me, for the times I have been impatient, talked more than listened, been angry, judgmental, mean, for feeling bitterness in my heart.  Please remove my love of self, any bitterness in my heart and cleanse me by the power of Your Precious Blood from the stain of all my sins.” 

 “I apologize for the time three weeks ago when I made something a bigger deal than it was in a public place, and even though my argument was justified because we had been cheated, I failed to remain humble and for that I was wrong and I am sorry.  As You said afterwards, You will make it up to me, and I know You always do, and thank You for allowing that whole chain of events to occur so that You could show me many important things that will bring me into closer union with You...” 

“My soul has been defiled by my many sins, and so often is caught up in its own preferences.  I am sorry for having been impatient, self-centered, intolerant, self-serving, self-indulgent, vain and prideful, hardhearted, distracted by things of the world, blinded by the errors of my ways, for the times I have been a poor example to others.  I apologize for having sworn twice, for the times I have spoken harshly to my family, and spoken unkindly about others.... please help me, Lord;  may Your Precious Blood be my antidote and wash away all dislike, bitterness, hatred, animosity, and anger and replace them with a love so great, it would surrender its very life."     

"I am so sorry for resisting your will... I still resist because of my pride, worldliness, my fallen human nature that finds comfort in predictability and routines, my short-sightedness, and my lack of faith.  I apologize for the times I have been impatient, which is still quite often, for the times I lacked compassion, haven't loved you as much as I should, for my vanity, for the times I have not minded my own business, been judgmental, too harsh, for the times I have been frustrated and have only myself to blame because I did not cooperate with you and instead obstructed your most perfect plans..."

"I apologize for the things that I said, did, or didn’t do that set a bad example for my children, my friends, for strangers, and pray for those who dislike me because they have neglected their friendship with You. Keep me close to You, dear Lord, and please allow me to receive the Sacraments often."
Being enlightened by the Holy Spirit will help you discern what to confess each time.  The Lord will at times want you to be specific. Once, my confession was rather general, and the visiting priest asked me if I was aware of my individual sins/weaknesses.  The following statement just flowed from my mouth, and made us both smile:  “Father, if I had to list all of my sins, we would be here all day!” Use common sense, rely on Divine assistance, and be obedient to your confessor.

Here is a PHENOMENAL suggestion which will break the devil’s grip on you, and obtain the graces you need to overcome persistent weaknesses: Be totally HONEST and be sincerely SORRY.  Do not refrain from confessing any sins you have committed. 

For example: "My sweet Lord and my God, I am here because I love you in return, to accomplish Your will, and to seek your mercy and pardon. I profoundly apologize for having offended you by (name), most Holy and Blessed Trinity. I thank you for allowing me to be defeated in battle for my greater good, so I could learn that to despair is to not believe in and trust in Your great mercy, and also so I would launch this major counter-strike against the forces of evil. And so now I apologize for every sin that I have never before mentioned by name (list), because of my lack of trust in Your mercy, my shame, and my pride."  

Confessing sins that we have kept hidden is a major COUNTERSTRIKE against the forces of evil and releases us from the devil's grip. 


Just as you would conclude your interaction with anyone else, consider saying some final words that include thanking the Lord, asking for His advice or help if need be, and then be sure to ask what it is that you can do for Him! The Holy Spirit may encourage you to quote from the saints or recite a short prayer, or consider composing your own personal and intimate prayer.  

“To You, O Heart of Jesus, humanity has recourse.  In You we find consolation when afflicted, protection when persecuted, strength when overwhelmed with trials, and light in doubt and darkness…”  

“I firmly believe that You will grant to us the graces You have promised and for which we stand in such great need, and in such large measure, even if it requires great miracles.  You have just to will it, and although I am most unworthy to even ask You for Your favors, You are the God of Mercy, and my petition to beg for these graces comes at Your request because of Your unfathomable love for each one of us.  Do not refuse the response of Your unworthy but very grateful servant who loves You!”

“Please accept this act of perfect submission to the decrees of Your adorable Heart, which I sincerely desire may be fulfilled in me and by me and by all Your people forever and ever...“

“Let there be no distance between us, my sweet and gentle Jesus!”

“My beloved Jesus, Thy Kingdom come.  Eucharistic heart of Jesus, increase in us faith, hope, and charity.  Heart of Jesus, burning with love for all of humanity, inflame our hearts with love of You.  O Divine Heart of Jesus, convert sinners, save the dying, free the holy souls in Purgatory.  Thank You for Your great love and mercy;   I give myself entirely to you, and promise to love and honor You, all the days of my life.”

“Please give me the grace to suffer joyfully, live courageously, remain pure, and serve others with great compassion, and to love everyone, especially the most difficult people, including myself, as you love us.”

“Once again I promise to give myself entirely to you, and to love and honor you all the days of my life. Sweet and gentle Jesus, meek and humble of heart, transform my heart like unto thine.” 

“What is it that you would like from your servant?  Let me know, and I will do what you ask.  And what does your servant ask of you, my sweet and gentle Jesus? I ask you to please defend my time alone with you, and thank You, my sweet Jesus, for everything.”

“I ask this of You, sweet and gentle Jesus, for Your most Sacred Heart is an inexhaustible source of all graces and merits.  Pour forth your graces from this Treasury of mercy, for I am here as you have requested, knocking at the door of the Heart through which God comes to us and through which we go to God.”

“Help me to know clearly each day what it is you want me to accomplish, and grant me the ability to know how and who You wish me to serve,  moment by moment.” 

“In thanksgiving for your unfathomable mercy, my Almighty Father, I ask what it is that your servant can do for you.  Be it done to me according to Your word.” 

“My Jesus, I need You.”

“And so I ask you, Jesus, who has shown me how to present myself to the Father with love and humility, and how to submit my will to His, to show me how to live my life in conformity to God's will as you did, selflessly, charitably, and heroically.  I ask you to guard my time alone with you, and help me grow in the virtue of purity...”

“I thank you for strengthening me for the battle, and for the progress that is being made in my soul as I grow closer to you…”

End with an Act of Contrition

The Devil Does Not Want You to Receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation

NEVER give in to the many ways the devil tries to stop each one of us from going to Confession. He knows the tremendous, immeasurable value it has for our souls!  He knows that when we avail ourselves of the graces, he will be easily defeated.

Some things the devil may say, or suggest, to stop you from going may vary, and can even be divided into categories.  He has many strategies for defeating us in battle, and studies each one of us very carefully to establish his battle plan.  That is why you must ask the Holy Spirit to help you know yourself better than your enemy knows you, so you will emerge the winner when temptation comes.

Here is just a sample, to give you some idea of what the opposition may be like:

False Compassion:  "You're so busy.  Don't go.  God will understand...You try so hard to be good.  You don't have to go today.  Go later... You don't feel too well right now.  You better stay home… God knows how many challenges you face.  You don't need another one.  Stay home and rest."

Inaccurate Information:  “It’s not true that you have to confess to a priest... You are forgiven when you apologize to God in prayer... Having a priest hear your confession isn’t necessary. God knows you are sorry; He knows everything!…You haven’t done anything wrong.  Those weren't even sins!…You do so much good for others, you don't need to go...You have no sins to confess.”

Crazymaking/Pressure to Conform:  "People think you are crazy…Don't go;  see what people think of you?..You’re a religious fanatic…You go too much…Are you going AGAIN?...You shouldn’t care about this so much.  God already forgave you!”

Oppression:  “Don’t go!  DON’T GO!...Don’t go…Don’t go…Leave that parish!...The priest doesn’t care about you!  Don’t show up;  that will show him!...DON'T DO WHAT HE SAYS!...Get up and walk out of the confessional;  don’t listen to the priest!...He could care less!...God keeps him prisoner here;  see how God treats all of you?”

Oppression can also include thoughts before, during, and after your confession that encourage you to dislike, disregard, even hate your confessor, encourage you to not heed his advice, not complete your penance, argue with him, doubt whether you were actually forgiven, and here’s a popular one, to be dissatisfied with your confession.  Be assured that your confession will go according to God’s plan for you.  

Sometimes you may leave feeling like you want to remain in church forever, sometimes you may feel very dissatisfied because you didn’t experience anything extraordinary or because the devil tempted you to feel discouraged.  Remember, every time you make a valid confession, extraordinary good comes of it and you receive many graces for yourself and for others, and you grow closer to God!

Something to carefully consider:  If the Lord appeared and told you that the next time you received the Sacrament of Reconciliation He would unleash a massive flood of graces, how would you prepare for such an event? What would you say?  

This CAN happen, and it DOES: "I Will Unleash a Massive Flood of Graces."

God is at work in you!  

Discover or rediscover the Sacrament of Christ's Peace: four minutes that may forever change the value you place on going to Confession.


"Sancte Michael Archangele, defende nos in proelio, contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto praesidium, imperet illi Deus, supplices deprecamur, tuque, Princeps militae caelestis, Satanam aliosque spiritus malignos, qui ad perditionem animarum per vagantur in mundo divina virtute, in infernum detrude. AMEN"