Saturday, December 7, 2024

Resting and Sequestering

"The greatness of our love of God must be tested by the desire we have of suffering for His love." ~ Saint Phillip Neri

Resting this Saturday morning following three epic, beautiful, and peaceful ten hour days and two half days during the week at the clinic properly caring for our brothers and sisters in need of compassion. 

Also sequestering, as work continues editing as much of the Tridentine documentary's script as possible this weekend. 

The plan is to fast and rest today while copy editing, to final edit the documentary's script by next weekend and no later, then to start recording the script, and then to combine the audio with the music and images and finish this very special project, a Christmas gift for every soul for the greater honor and glory of our Triune God in general and for Jesus on His birthday in particular. 

What an unfathomable joy and labor of love it has been to be part of this apostolic work, and this telling of the greatest love story of all time that continues on, forever, into eternity in heaven.

The most, and the most profound, material has come while the suffering has been the most extreme, and to date it has kept coming. 

Writing it all down has been impossible, but the majority of it it has been and most of it has been made public. 

This work is totally guided by the Holy Spirit and since time to write is so precious, and in such limited supply, and because Christmas 2024 is so near, it has been impossible to know for certain how the documentary is going to go, how much of it and what will be published in advance, and even how the script is going to go and what the exact way of approaching it is going to be. 

So the Divine inspirations are followed moment by moment.

Hoping still to be able to post the remaining script's chapter lessons as they are completed, as many of them this weekend as possible. 


"The cross is the gift God gives to his friends." ~ Saint Philip Neri

Our Lord said that everything has led up to this moment, and has prepared for this particular project: all the suffering, the many Traditional Catholic Mystical Theology Lessons and fortyish books for every soul, all the audio recordings and all the video productions.

For God be all the glory and for us, His lavish love. 

Let us be sure to love God lavishly in return.  

"Obedience is the true holocaust which we sacrifice to God on the altar of our hearts." ~ Saint Philip Neri